Friday 22 July 2016

Not equality but control

I have written recently of my instinctive fear of the ideological tendency of that religious movement we describe as Muslim, as they push their claim for righteousness and demand, total observance to their cause.
Another lessor fear I have which was demonstrated tonight on the  News-night program where three labour MP appeared, two women and one man to argue the respective case for each of the contestants for the job of being leader of the Labour party.
 The contestants, Jeremy Corbyn who is the current leader. Angela Eagle and Owen Smith are to contend for the leadership later this week.
What came across in the statements from the respective supporters of each of the contestants was the fervent claim by the two women MPs "of the need to have a women"  as the next leader of the party. 
It's not beyond the bounds of current hysteria regarding the politically correct assumptions of our ruling class that to denigrate men in this way and suggest that it "had" to be a women for feminist reasons and not for any other reason has to be challenged as sexist. No panel of male MPs would be able to get away with such bias and yet the single minded fervour of these women went unchallenged by the Chair who of course was a man simply watching his Ps and Qs.
There are people out for ideological blood in many avenues of our public life and depending on your ethnicity, gender, or simply representing one of those imponderable and now untouchable, the so called 'minority factions' a new species of unimpeachable privilege has raised its ungainly head.
The enjoyment these women had in their special relationship was palpable and they delighting in their new found strength which left the remaining male, a thoroughly decent man, squirming with discomfort at being, just that, a man, a eunuch amongst these strong ideologically sure women. 
Germanic Greer wrote a book called "The Female Eunoch" in which she portrays the woman of that era, the book was written in the 70s. It was a call for women to strike out and demand equality. Today they seem to want more than equality, they want control and those of us who have been married know "that that was ever their goal".

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