Saturday 30 July 2016

IOC pass the buck

  There as some supermen and I have just watched one. Mo Farah has just totally dominated the run at the Olympic Stadium. Not a oz, not a gram of surplus weight, a glistening machine of sinew and muscle who having run 5000 metres in under 13 minutes he is hardly out of breath. If I ran 5 metres I would be more knackered and it seems unfair for the gap to be so wide.
The sound of the crowd cheering him on brought back memories of our Olympics and the tremendous crowd participation in each event. One felt proud to be a Pom.
Listening to Paula Radcliffe discuss the issue of the World anti doping Agency (WADA) recommended that Russia be banned from attending the imminent Olympic Games in Rio, the IOC, the Olympic Governing Body now seem to want to back track (perhaps for legal reasons) and allow the national federations for a specific sport the final say. The commentators seemed content that the IOC will pass the buck but surely this is the body who are closest to the organisations within Russia who deliberately, not only turned a blind eye to the cheats who were taking drugs by falsifying the test results they even went so far as to swop the results around so that athletes were given a green light instead of red.
Well now we know the IOC did in fact bottle it and refused the opportunity to ban the whole Russian team. Whether this was fair was based on the presumption that any 'test' in Russia coving any athletic discipline was suspect.
The power of money, the power of influence from a powerful state won out and we and athletics as a whole loose out.
The Olympics is a massive money making machine. Coke and Niki are but two of the multi million dollar organisations who stand to gain from a conflict free Games.
The Russian TV Channel is cock-a-hoop as they realise that at the last minute the threat of a total ban was removed. Their general theme has been "how can you ban all the athletes if many have not been caught cheating" but this pre-supposes that the testing was being done to an international standard and of course, this is the accusation against Russia, that the labs in Russia were equally guilty by avoiding, one presumes for national prestige, when a drug was found.
It appears that the claim of "not me guv" is now being wheeled out and the Russian Authorities have survived. Not only survived but there is a measured hostility by their Athletics representative that the findings, which still ban the 'track and field' athletes will be tested legally, although practically, the outcome will not effect their attendance at this games.
The only person who will not be attending the Games is the Russian "whistle blower" who revealed the State manufactured avoidance of test results and who wished to run under some sort of amnesty as an independent. The IOC managed to find enough collective will, to ban her but of course she now has no national flag or stern faced President to breath heat on the the IOC. 
She above all is the loser in this sad, sad world we live in !!

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