Friday 24 June 2016

They are making fortunes as we speak

We woke this morning to a different dawn as the airwaves shrieked the news of The UK leaving the EU and the implications of departing this family of nations.
The last thing I did last night was check the Referendum program to see how the votes were coming in. The main conurbations the cities, which over the years have become the melting pot of immigration with people from all over the world living cheek by jowl with the local inhabitants were the first to be counted and it was no surprise that the STAY vote was strongest. My own instinctive feeling was that it was the vote in the small towns and the shires that had not been taken into the equation which would be the measure at the end of the day. I was proved right and I woke up to the news of a turn around, with the LEAVE vote in an unassailable position.
People with a memory of a country which was not an experiment in multiculturalism, of a country which could define its own heritage and not make excuses by insisting the changes were to our benefit and made us stronger these were the people who voted to leave. The person from Poland, Lithuania, Pakistan, or Bangladesh have their interests and cultural ties still cemented off-shore and therefore the concept of taking back control never had strong resonance with them. Even the concept of democracy is relatively new with few of these citizens having memories of strong democratic governance at home.
The issue of being able to vote out a ruling party was hard won over many centuries but gives the man and woman in the street confidence that there is a political remedy where power can be withdrawn and handed to someone else without use of force.
Of course the Media are having a field day whipping up the audience with shock and horror. The repeated replay of crestfallen politicians crying "the end of the world" recycling the downside is all too prevalent. The positive beacons of hope who proclaim this to be "the beginning of a new world" are not repeated on our TV screens for public consumption since "crisis" has a far greater impact.
 Now the Prime Minister has resigned and another notch was carved on our historical totem pole as we search for ways and means, for answers to the questions which our dis-entanglement from the European Union will bring. Now without a head will we become rudderless. Can we draw on our innate ability to cobble together solutions which rely little on planning but make us experts at stitching something together !!
Scotland will be next to separate itself from the UK and there is talk of Northern Island also splitting away from the UK and drawing closer to Ireland. In such a little time we have busted the mould and will have to find new ways of running our affairs. That is no bad thing. Often a breakdown in affairs pulls one out of the lethargy which the continuance of the status quo can bring. The break is always followed by some anguish and soul searching it's never easy but eventually light is seen at the end of the proverbial tunnel and as the lights floods around one forgets the depression as new friends are found and new alignments made with people who were previously strangers. Strangers who were feared now become partners and old partners become strangers but the world continues to tick along hardly missing a beat other than in that artificial construct the financial markets where people are making fortunes as we speak.

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