Friday 26 February 2016

The power of razzmatazz

We are agog at what is happening in the USA. How an ultra right wing demagogue Donald Trump seems to be running away with the Republican vote in his appeal to strong leadership and a kiss arse attitude. On the Democratic side, Bernie Saunders, an avowed socialist, something so rare in the US, a country which believes in small government, the very opposite to socialism has been running neck and neck with Hillary Clinton.

Both Saunders and Trump are seen as being part of an anti Establishment move which seems to be gaining lots of traction in America.
Listening to the C Span phone-in, the people ringing in, the ordinary voters have a fair share of disgruntled opinions regarding their view of the States and how its position has declined regarding the rest of the world. They are angry conservatives and want someone to shout for them, Trump is their man. 

The other group who also hate the Establishment and reflect  the grass roots vote coming from that demographic. Saunders has captured, the more thoughtful electorate who see the big C Capitalism rowing away from the population at large as jobs and wages drop whilst the rich become richer.
The people in America, (as we in this country), are prone to analysing everything from their self specific position with little regard for their neighbour. Many who came on the phone hate the Clintons seeing in them a glib self promoting act who, like Tony Blair managed to hoodwink us with the salesman's promise.
Of course democracy is its self on trial since "the people" just might elect Trump. I suppose the image of Ronald Reagan, a bit actor taking on the most powerful job in the world turned out in some ways the better hand since what he lacked in diplomacy he made up in a vision that said "we have the money let's be single minded and use it to bankrupt the Russians in the arms race"
We often are carried away by the issue of class. In America the Harvard educated rich family background which often becomes a dynasty is the norm and the assumed default position for putting our faith in leadership. Here in the UK its Eaton, Oxbridge and a first in Classics !
Listening to Boris Johnson with his Toffs accent and a clearly blessed opinion (when he can be persuaded to utter one) from so many in our Establishment and Commentariat one wonders if we haven't taken leave of our senses. Like Trump, for Boris it seems like a game where the importance of the work entailed in running a country are swamped by egos that are so large the light of day never impinges.
I am amazed by the gullibility of the British Public, to be sucked into celebrity culture and the suggestion that Boris Johnson could become Prime Minister, is made possible by the fervent churning of media attention. The man is not a fool, he's a comic. He plays himself to a tee from the hand ruffling his mane to his imbecilic childish grin and mocking turn of phrase on all matters of importance.
He is an embarrassment as he bumbles his way across the political stage especially so, when, as the Mayor of London he represented London in China, more with an image of a Shakespearian fool than a person to represent us as a political leader.
There again, he joins forces with Trump in being unsuited to have the interests of the common man at heart. The very reason democracy was invented, one man one vote each vote carrying the same weight of influence is being stood on its head by popularism and the power of money and razzmatazz.

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