Sunday 21 February 2016

Come wind or storm

As the wind batters the coast of Wales and 'Imogen' bears her teeth, reminding society of the force of nature, I am trapped with the 'Bridge' back into England closed to traffic.
Watching the trees bend over near to breaking point whipping around in the 80 mph wind, the garden fence visibly moving as the gusts pummel it, I think shopping is on hold for the day.
Is the abnormally warm winter and the wild storms generating their strength and anger in mid-Atlantic a sign of global warming or is nothing more than our short memory forgetting the time it happened before.
It's the business of 24 hour news to expand on a story, to create legs for it to run and fill the hours of air time and so we see, on our screens every facet of the storm, every occasion that was deemed worthy for the TV crew to turnout, every bit of trauma and tragedy.
Is it any wonder we are a frayed lot watching the financial market go bottom up whilst the human tragedy of Syria is constantly on our screen. The invasion of Europe has been replaced by something else but under laying it all is the fragility of our way of life written large.
Of course in a secure well heated house one could be forgiven for banishing the tele and any news of the outside world. It's doubtful if the hordes will beat a path to our door or the bankrupt banks and their investors will replicate Cyprus or Greece.
One only has to have faith in the chimney pot staying upright as we shelter in that last haven of peace, a mortgage free home.

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