Friday 22 January 2016

Still sane

Putting emotional pressure on white people has been the flavour of the year, as it was last year and the year before.
The latest to break our airwaves this morning is. "How can it be that not one black actor has been nominated for an Oscar" ? To which I might suggest that this year perhaps they were not good enough ? Oh no say the black actor fraternity, its 'prejudice', clear and simple !

In an age where groups as diverse as the Disabled, the Trans Gender, and the Gay, from Muslims to Jews, are represented on the Internet as a pressure group, each demanding exclusivity, noisily berating the British Majority which for the moment is still represented by a 'white man and white woman', and each bearing the historical 'ill will' of their predecessors, as  "colonisers  who drew the demarcation lines of their conquests on the map with pencil and ruler which took no account of the people their decisions most effected and who are now queuing up for reparations.
Where this will all end up is anyone's guess since you no sooner become accustomed to one group with a claim when another is formed and we are re-educated to discover a new form of social dismemberment which needs addressing. It's like the medical terms of some mental aberration which even the most disadvantaged trot out to describe why they feel themselves different and need our help. Children are no longer naughty but suffer instead from some deep seated malaise recently discovered but now clarified under which  a whole subsection of society clamour for relief.
The term "man up" is positively antediluvian and intently frowned upon in many circles. Growing numbers of people treat the complexity of life and the living thereof as an opportunity to display their oddness and their suffering as a badge, to be shown like an LPD cop on a crime bust. To be off colour, a little down-in-the-dumps needs a trip to the Therapist, instead of a realisation that normally we all have good and bad days and so long as you can recognise the difference, you are still sane !

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