Saturday 2 January 2016

A New Year

It's New Years Eve and I wish I could tell you I was at some swinging party where everyone was a friend and that lovely lass over there is standing under the mistletoe but no. Once again the event got away from me and I doubt if I will manage to stay awake to watch the fireworks at midnight. 

Is it the sceptic or the cynic in me, the jaundiced, disenchanted, disillusioned, pessimistic or simply misanthropic, you can take your pick. I used to be a party animal, loved being out with people, loved dancing and drinking loved the laughter and the silliness of it all.
What changed and why. They say your surroundings have a lot to do with your mental outlook but it's not as if my mental outlook is misplaced it's simple changed. Perhaps I have grown up, but then fun and the light hearted behaviour is also an aspect of being grown up since the Presbyterian outlook on life has no more claim to being grown up than the comedian who lives his life as a joke.
The failure we have, is to take ourselves too seriously on the basis that others care. Of course some do but are we beholden to those who would pontificate on another persons behaviour if no harm is done or intended. 
Too often the 'values of others' gets in the way of our own values and we do ourselves a grave injustice not to do what we are truly comfortable with and 'is becoming to our own temper'. 
I sound like a scribe in Leviticus.
Where ever you are, when the bell tolls midnight. 
Happy New Year and may the new year bring you happiness.

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