Thursday 3 December 2015

The elephant in the room

Why would we wish to ignore the fact that with a spectacular birth rate, those following the Muslim faith will, without resort any antagonistic behaviour, become the definitive force in this country by 2050 and more importantly, will this matter?
If the Muslim society were actually more closely aligned with the present majority and the differences only portrayed themselves in the places that people choose to worship, then there would be no cause for concern. But if, within the root of the religious teaching, a teaching which demands total adherence,there were strict norms about the social and democratic opportunities, including a legal framework which dictates obedience to God and severe punishment for non-conformity, then we have to think twice before we allow this quasi fascism to get out of hand. 
To those who do not understand what fascism means, the dictionary says. 
Fascism is :- "an authoritarian, right wing system of government and social organisation". 
We have grown up thinking the word belongs to dictatorial governments like the Nazi party in Germany or the communist parties of Stalinist Russia or Moe's China and that the word only described the dictatorial oppression of the people living in those countries.
It's hard not to describe the governments of Saudi Arabia or Iran as not practicing fascism.  

Its hard not to describe the totalitarianism of the Muslim faith, it's practices and its oppression of women as not being fascist. 
If that is true (sadly our leaders are strangely quite on the issue) do we really want a fascist state in this country by 2050, with sharia law being the law of the land.  Was this what the founders of Magna Carter envisaged. Do the custodians of the keys to our secular freedom not need to wake up and stop being so laid back. Perhaps we need a period where we put our humanity on hold and start laying down a few ground rules for those who wish to live here to stop being a melting pot and become profoundly undemocratic for a while so as to ensure that long term democracy is upheld. 
Why are we sleepwalking towards a Middle Eastern way of life where the patriarch holds all the cards.
We pride ourselves on being good, multicultural humanitarians but no one can align this, other than with twisted logic, the structure laid down by Mohamed which amongst other things defines non Muslims as Kafir, an inferior person. 
And even accepting the moderation of the assimilators who only see good in people whilst ignoring mans innate propensity for bad as the goal to aim for the price of ignoring the objective of the Muslim faith, that of world domination are we crazy to ignore the elephant in the room.

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