Friday 25 December 2015

Another Hobgoblin to contend with.

It's raining its pouring the old man is snoring, he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning.
Well that describes me pretty much on the spot. I'm in Wales and it has rained virtually the whole time I am here. Wall to wall rain, grey sky's full of more rain. 
One begins to get a flavour of the Welsh character, jokey in adversity, untroubled by the outlook looking forward to the next game against the English, indomitable even in defeat. I suppose waking each day to the sight of these rain swept sky's, the howling wind rattling the window pane, putting off going out again, waiting for the weather forecaster to bring some good news breeds a special type of tenacity
Where I live in Bishops Stortford on the east side of this small island the sky has been cloudless  and the days lovely and clear. The wind from the south sweeping up from North Africa has brought unseasonably warm temperatures, 16 degrees C, not the usual 7 degrees and below, it's the warmest December since records began. Even in Scotland where usually at this time of the year large swathes of the highlands would be under snow, they are having Spring weather. 
The flowers are confused as no doubt are the animals and insects used to hibernating, with their seasonal clocks in disarray. One wonders what the outcome will be since the bulb which produces the daffodil in December can't repeat the trick in April. A lack of pollen for the bee who will arrive in April and then a lack of further pollination will hinder the creation of flowers for next year so who knows what's in store.
Time and the seasons my dear fellow are up the creek and one wonders, is this the start of the much heralded, Global warming pattern which the politicians and specifically their financial backers had until a week ago refused to believe. Only this week they emerged bleary eyed from a two week conference in Paris to confirm that they accept the catastrophe which is on its way but as yet, they are still haggling over who's to pay for the monumental high cost to change the way we do things regarding energy and its consumption. 
In Copenhagen in 2009 the Americans wilfully refused to side with the Europeans in acknowledging there is a problem. Precious time was lost and if there is a tipping point and we tumble over we can thank those Republican businessmen and women who put their own balance sheets before the needs of the people across the Pacific Rim who's island homes will be underwater.
We often mention the behaviour of the Muslim Jihad's in the Middle East. The collection of tribal people who put their belief in Allah first and foremost and who frighten us in the largely ill defined secular west with their surety of purpose. 
But what of that other tribe, initially rooted in the Middle East who have over the millennium spread throughout the world preaching financial intolerance to secular tolerance. 
Their God, Jehovah, is a faith, based on a wise loving philosophy, an understanding of the frailty of man but which also, within the tribe has a financial face, a bottom line which mustn't be breached. The Muslim believes it is wrong to extract financial interest on a transaction, the Jew bases his whole precept on the importance of 'financial interest' having become the worlds predominant money lender.
For the financial gladiators in Wall Street the issue of Global warming is an opportunity. Where there is disharmony, where there is disunity, where there is conflict there is money to be made.
The Rothschild's represent both sides in any conflict, balancing business as usual with a historical disdain for the people who are non Jewish, people who are caught up in it and usually bare the brunt of the havoc of the conflict.
Getting them to commit the dollar to the massive investment needed to save the planet will be something to watch. Perhaps Goldman Sachs already has a kibbutz set up on another planet with a member of the Rothschild's clan already there waiting to sign up the first stragglers fleeing earth !!!

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