Tuesday 12 May 2015

Please use the trade man's entrance

Is it correct and proper that any human being who holds opinions and beliefs about virtually any matter, and project themselves to others with these beliefs, (unless they have a change of heart), are they being deceitful if they then dress themselves in the guise of someone or something else, just to gain an advantage no matter what. In such a case you would normally be deemed crass and dishonest, but in politics it seems to be de rigueur 
After their demise where do the true Liberals and people who are concerned with climate change and the thrust of global economics such as The Greens, what becomes of them. 
Where do the caring humanitarian go whilst the Tories flail around cutting away at the Welfare State, at what they see is an unnecessary social contract with the ordinary man in the street.
The Tory failure to understand that a civilised community is not only made up of highly successful entrepreneurs but has amid its ranks many disadvantaged people ( one could argue, disadvantaged by birth, education and opportunity, which in many ways is in the hands of the very people doing the judging ! ). The great experiment from 1947 onwards will close to all extent and purposes as the accountants determine and ration what's on offer.
We must of course keep Trident, we can't afford to upset the Americans and anyway it maintains the great bluff perpetuated since the end of the war that we carry some clout in the forums of world politics through our 'deterrent potential'.  It's more important to play the part even if our clothes have become tatty and ill fitting.
As I open the business pagers of the Telegraphy or the Times, or if I read the political pundits in the Sun or the Mail I feel their grin bearing out at me. "You silly buggers", it says, "we've done it again, we've conned you". "When will you learn that our pages talk of a different world to yours and whilst we hoodwink you and mesmerise you with "inclusive talk" please don't call again for another 5 years, and next time you call, use the trade-man's entrance"

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