Tuesday 12 May 2015

A night of the dark forces

So it seems that there will be no change or perhaps a huge one, the Tories will rule unimpeded !
David Cameron is on his way into London, triumphant and vindicated with not only his electioneering campaign but with the direction of travel during the last 5 years.
Many ordinary people will be waking to the realisation that George Osborn has been given a clear hand to get on and purge the Welfare State of much of its humanity.
Perhaps being compassionate and humane towards ones common man is an condition which can not be afforded, perhaps it has finally been driven out of the English psyche following the famous claim by Mrs Thatcher that there is no such thing as "society" and we consolidate the individualism of the Middle Class.
The near totality of the swing to nationalist politics in Scotland's, with a block vote in Parliament of over 50 votes. The expectation was that the two major parties would be neck and neck and the SNP would be the power broker, the Scottish dog wagging the large English poodle. This was thought to be extremely dangerous, a danger exploited by the Tories as the spectre of a political party, which wishes to break away from the Parliament, would be a the power to demand policies of Labour who hoped to form a government. Now this is completely changed and whilst the Scots voted to a man and a women for the SNP to be in power, with the Tory's in charge of the government "they will have no power" in Westminster. What the ramifications of that situation will be given the enormous mandate from the people for change when as a country who has had to be subservient to their powerful southern cousin for 300 years, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't another Referendum in Scotland for full independence very soon.
So many of the old faces gone. People who were part of the political structure, Liberal Party Ministers in the last Government Danny Alexander and Vince Cable banished from their political day job, no longer with the appendage MP ! The Liberal Party have paid a terrible price for that sunny morning in No 10s Rose Garden when Nick Clegg joined hands to work together with David Cameron to form a coalition. Virtually all the backlash against the austerity measures that particularly George Osborn has brought into being (with many more to come) the backlash has been directed at the Liberals.
It's difficult to know why, there is no rational explanation to explain it but they got a kicking.
Ed Balls, Labours number two (the Shadow Chancellor) has lost his seat, a really big blow to the Labour Party. He was perhaps a victim of the Gordon Brown era where Ed Balls was the power in the Treasury, a period which has received a great deal of condemnation by the Tories as a major contributor to our budget deficit. Of course the building of much needed schools and hospitals were a part of that debt, a debt successfully vilified by the right wing press and swallowed hook line and sinker by the electorate. They would obviously prefer not to have the schools and the hospitals since the "national debt", (an ogre created by the national press) is more important and has punished the Labour Party for its historical hand in creating part of the debt whilst they,the electorate, max out their credit cards.
It's worth noting that the "national debt" has continued to rise under the last government because whilst we parade "growth" of 2 to 3% the tax receipts are falling and we continue to spend more than we earn.
Finally, the system of "First Past the Post" is once again shown to be the "bad guy". The number of voters in Scotland, about 4 million, produced 56 parliamentary seats . The same number of voters across the country voted UKIP but only produced 1 seat !!! That can't be right and bears no reflection of what a democratic system should look like.

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