Sunday 11 May 2014


Following on from my last blog on Living and Dying (for those who bother to read it), it seemed important to consider the question of Faith.
The underlying essence of Belief Systems is the individuals faith in its story. Faith is also the main constituent for virtually everything we do in that, without it why would we. So is there a difference between the faith with a small f and Faith as a concomitant part of the religious process.
Well the one can be based on the evidence of cause and action, I have faith in a certain medicine to alleviate my symptom, I have faith in the transport mechanism I choose rail, road or air because of the statistical information that nearly all journeys are completed safely. In these circumstances I can substitute hard experience for blind faith and congratulate myself for having faith in the outcome.
Religious faith is an altogether different type of faith except that the faithful would say its similar if not the same. If you believe in something it usually takes hard facts, well argued to persuade you that you were wrong in your belief. The assumption of a new belief is fortified by the newly acquired facts. Religious belief is based wholly on faith. The facts are chronicles taken down over 2000 years ago and the messages handed down over the millennia require one to have faith in their veracity, even as the stories have become exposed as the fables to illustrate Gods word to the Prophet and have taken on, under modern clinical scientific analysis, a sense of apothecary. The genuine faith people have seems to withstand the analysis of time-scale and conflicting storytelling, remains true to a genuine belief in God and the stories told become of less relevance.
This type of faith is handy to have in a world of uncertainty, especially so at the time of ones death. There is no gainsaying this subjugation to believing in the untried and unknown and for all the jovial intellect of the non-faith sect who, whilst denying the existence of a life after death, are left with cold supposition

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