Sunday 25 May 2014


I watched a You Tube recording of George Galloway having a debate with Christopher Hitchens about the invasion of Iraq by the Bush/Blair combo. The debate, held in the USA was interesting on a number of levels. Histrionics, that ability to emphasise
scantily clad truths with bluster and scantily clad untruths, was on show with the two protagonists of this so called debate. There was no love lost between them and they readily threw barbed slurs at each other in a way that our pseudo-dignified, toned down, political conversation which we have on the air-waves in this country appears like a kindergarten in comparison. The audience were in full throat baying for one contestant against the other, whipping up the atmosphere into a bear ring. Hitchens the ultra left wing Trotskyist of old had undergone a metamorphosis and was now supporting the invasion of Iraq under the premise that a murderous dictator had been removed and that Iraqi's could sleep safe in their beds. The infrastructure that the Allied Armies had produced roads and transport were all plus factors post the invasion. The thousands of deaths was a price to pay for the future stability of the country.
Galloway was his usual belligerent self, fixated in his opinion that the war was rigged and that American companies like Halliburton for whom Dick Cheney the very controversial Vice President under Bush became, over time Chairman of Halliburton were the real protagonist of the war and oil its main goal. He railed with venom and distaste over the so called objectives and warned of the dangers of disturbing a potential hornets nest of young jihadist across the world in their righteous claim to be under a brotherhood under attack.
Of course Galloway was proved neared the mark than Hitchens and history will show that in initially drawing arbitrary boundaries  in 1906, disregarding tribal affiliations we began the long process of alienation that finds root in our dis-established Muslim youth in Bury and Blackburn, Bradford and Birmingham.
Smoke is the weapon used to quieten the angry hornet, Lets all hope the smoke won't be the result of world wide conflagration.              

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