Sunday 6 April 2014

Three bad boys.

Filby, Burgess and McLean names that anyone born in the 1930s and 40s would remember, they represented a massive Faux pas in the history of our clandestine dealings in espionage by MI6.
All three with impeccable public school and university backgrounds, the pool from which it was automatically assumed any senior member of the Civil Service, through to the Prime Minister would be drawn and which 90% of Oxbridge places would assume and move seamlessly into our boardrooms on a wink and a nod but who were also the  soft ideological underbelly in our society who, through the rigour of "logic and ethics" found much wanting in the system of capital and market forces and were easy recruits to the Communist cause. Their reasoning was that of total conflict to Western Capitalism, a concept of letting market forces have their head irrespective of the damage to ordinary people, people who it must be remembered had recently  fought two world wars at an enormous cost to human life.
The graduates disillusionment with the status quo led to the extreme, they became spies for the communists and did enormous harm to the to the West. Their infiltration took them into the highest positions in counter espionage (MI6). Their acceptance and rapid rise was made possible through their connections, the old boy network (which still exists to this day and shackles us to the conformity of mediocrity which has been the bane of the English establishment structure even as I write).
These men, well mannered, cut glass accents the highest credentials of schooling and birth-right were willingly accepted and rapidly promoted to positions where the information coming in from the field agents about sympathisers in the countries under the Soviet yoke were passed to Filby and Co, who immediately informed the Russians and sealed the fate of the people who had broken ranks in the USSR. Their ethical and moral code did not stretch to the dire end of thousands of brave agents in the field. It has always seemed strange how schizophrenic we are when we become inflamed by ideological matters.                      

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