Tuesday 20 August 2013


As the Egyptian crisis unfolds our news media are scrambling for a central position in the spat between the old school secular versus the attempted Islamic changes brought forward by the Muslim Brotherhood under President Morsi.  The religious fervour that the Islamic politicisation brings is in sharp contrast to the normal man in the streets contempt for the people in power and the promises they bring. I suppose if there is little one can do about the economy then to pursue the modification of society along religious grounds is seen as change and with the new order the hope that other things will flow. The deep rooted fear we have of the Islamification of the world we know, is based on centuries old concepts and bolstered by what appears to us as a medieval dress code in our streets. It illustrates "difference" just as we seem intent on castigating our own people if they profess opposition to difference. Conformity and inclusion is the catch phrase and yet all around us people, as if from another planet, show their contempt for the adopted countries values and traditions by dressing their women in what we would consider outlandish, "coverall" clothing the men wearing Victorian type nightshirts to walk about in the street. They bring the values of the Middle East onto our streets whilst in many Middle Eastern countries Westerners are required to severely modify their western dress code or face arrest !!  
Beneath it all lies a very different set of values which, when push comes to shove, is their underlying strength. The call to prayer and the binding of community that such rigorous commitment brings, leaves us all fearful as we sit in are largely, singular, insular, consumerist driven society.       

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