Tuesday 13 August 2013

Debate and explore

The House of Lords is a debating chamber, like the House of Commons and the business of debate is heard at its best in the House of Lords.
Debate and the use of language is one of the main things in humans that has allowed the condition of human beings to move forward. We listen and we learn. We pick up information and we absorb the information to add to what we already know with the new. Peoples opinions are held of high value in the process of civilising our understanding of the people who sit to the right and the left of us. We, are children of our own background and our own prejudiced, our position on any subject is arrived at by the effect of our own experience or, the experience of people we respect and it is in debate that we learn from others, what their views are.
There seems today, to be an impediment or an unwillingness by society at large to engage in meaningful debate because people have lost confidence in their political masters and the Houses in which the business of politics is carried out. People today although much enhanced with communication into the essence of politics are constrained to sound bites and the restriction of, performance over substance.
The clearer an insight into anything the more questions arise, The unhappiness in their political condition of different segments of society has been the norm for decades and is the natural outcome, depending on your position in society and the attention a government brings to bare on that condition.
As we have become more self cantered with the importance of consumerism taking hold of our senses and we build a life on debt, fuelled by unlimited credit our view of belonging to society at large has diminished and with it our interest in the political condition of those around us. There was a time when people took a keen interest in politics and politicians. They had faith in the workings of Parliament and would identify with the ideology of a party in so far as the party represented the interests of that segment of people. Today as politicians fight for the central ground where the marginal voters lie. The issues become opaque to most voters and it is in listening to detailed debate, particularly in the House of Lords, can one round out ones own political opinion and in doing so become a more rounded human being. something worth attaining I am sure you will agree ?              

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