Wednesday 24 July 2013

Misuse of power

On the practical matter of the historical misuse of power by the Unions. Many in a position of power misuse this power. The Bankers, the Politicians, The Police, Mayors, Presidents and Prime Ministers they all have a tendency to misuse power. The wages in Detroit were too high and as you pointed out who would invest in the place under those conditions. But the trend to move ones factories to Bangladesh or China where people work for penny's is no solution either.  Germany hasn't broken the back of the unions, they have drawn them into a collaboration within the business, opened the books and negotiated a fair deal. It can be done. Train the high paid workers to add value to what they do, make them in essence partners in the business of profit and don't develop the idea, which we have in this country that the workers are inferior, they are fundamental.  The elephant in the room is the concept of a global economy. Everywhere is your market and everywhere your workshop. Only a minority will prosper from this concept, the majority are but pawns in a game. It doesn't have to be this way and maybe the democracy of the people taking to the street and pushing out the entrenched ways will be a start.  

Somewhere in this conundrum of how to evaluate a fair deal, one has the capitalistic philosophy of winner takes all and the socialistic philosophy that there are many parties in the labour of profit.  A way has to be found to be more equitable, more human in the way we treat our fellow man. We are clearly not born equal but in some ways we should have an innate opportunity to live a life within the law which provides for a modicum of security. If we have it in our mind to give everyone a reasonable chance and to respect people around us, we are on the way to finding not only an inner peace but an overall peace amongst men.     

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