Tuesday 9 July 2013

Giving ?

Is "giving" an elementary part of the human condition ?
Is it natural to give money, ones time, ones emotional commitment to a cause or an individual. Have we lost our appetite to give as the giving industry steps up its efforts to draw from us the issue of our innate responsibility towards society as a whole and to do what is required to make things better.
I had a conversation yesterday with someone who feels responsible for, not only his mother but all the other members of the family.  He foregoes the opportunity to move and reward himself with a nicer place for the benefit he provides to others in his family by staying in close proximity, to be on hand with his time and money when needed.

It all seemed a far cry from the modern British nuclear family, of leaving home and travelling far away in search of independence.

I was a perfect example of the modern trend. I left home with few thoughts towards my Mum and Dad. I left home to see for myself what life in different parts of the world was like and as I

travelled further afield I became more immersed in my own needs. I took it for granted that my parents would be ok that they wouldn't miss me because, in the reality of "new things happening every day", I forgot them !!
How far I was from my friend who has his eye in the needs of his birth family.
Perhaps being an "only child" is one reason.  There is a natural gap between parent and child, a gap which can be narrowed by the child having a sister or brother to bind them more fully into the family. Another factor was the "distance" and the substantially different surroundings which removed one from the the daily, psychological connection but this is a poor excuse, I simply did not match up to this man's commitment to his parents when in truth my parents had done everything "and more", to protect me as I grew up.      
Yes, I communicated through letters, (no Skype in those days), and the telephone but my sense of responsibility was simply not there.  I feel there was something missing in my make up. Religion plays a part, it teaches the importance of family and the hierarchy of family relationships. Perhaps being a none religious person I missed this teaching, it never crossed my mind !!!          

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