Wednesday 16 January 2013

Events dear boy

Its a new year, with all that the phrase entails. To some its the opportunity to start or complete a project that has been ongoing and engaging ones interest for some time. The intellect is there, the time available and one is looking forward to the advantages the changes will bring.
For others the time ahead is littered with uncertainty and anxiety as the months unfold. Each day is a trial as one hopes to avoid unemployment and the unpaid debts. The family are in their own cocoon each wrestling with their own dilemmas, the boyfriend, the school work, exams, bullying.
For some the issue is of getting old and being drawn inevitably into a conversation about ones own mortality. The need to fill the day with meaning.
Events dear boy, events. These events are what we crave and value. They make sense of the time-line which is our life's path.They are a milestone not the signpost, they carry no directional element other than that we were in such and such a place at such and such a time. Like a bubble diagram much beloved of the teacher to gather events into some sort of cause and effect sequence, events that are in step with other events but not linked.
Milestones,where you were when Kennedy was shot, are generational, a group of people tied by birth year progressing through a field of relevance, stimulated by current history, the era of tin pan alley and pop music, without that milestone you wouldn't belong to that particular pack.

As I close my eyes and think about my experience today I have to ask myself what part of me took part in the experience. When I visit the shops and integrate with the people there, their actions were part of my world of experience but they were acting out their own world of experience of which my being a part was just a matter of chance. I was not fundamental to their state of mind, nor they to mine.
If the world we call ours is made up of actions and interaction which are separate and unconnected other than through observation, what is it, of my world that is mine that I own individually. 
My mind alone has the power to recognise and provide conjecture as to the why and wherefore of the world around me. My mind could read any one of a number of conclusions to the scene and the interactions I have with all these inputs,visual,audio,smell which can be interpreted by me depending on my mental state. If my mental state is good then the events around me will be deemed good.
And so in part we are brothers and sisters of a family called the 40/45ers, exposed to events over time that coloured our perspective on life. We are not alone with our troubles or our prejudice we have come through a life span in good company and we have a story to tell. 
Happy New Year

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