Wednesday 10 October 2012

Satisfying others !!

"I'm a little drunk tonight and I need you" ! So the words to the song go.

Many songs that entole 
this heartfelt desire to share our very being with another. The blood rising, contemplating the special link, the desire to open up and confess our deepest thoughts. There is no other combination that has this effect of destabilising a perfectly rational human being, turning them into a gibbering idiot. They call it chemistry, they call it the sexual urge, they call it a primeval.
The rational, balanced, considerate approach to life is demolished with an irrational response that overwhelms the senses and makes a mockery of a persons ego and self respect.
Yet as an alternative, who would swop,those moments of being "head over heel in love". As 

Oscar Wilde famously said "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" 

How we fall under the perversive influence of society and its norms. How we mimic the culture we are brought up in and sell ourselves to the high table of conformity.How we forget our youth and the irrational urges that made us, unknowable to our parents. Urges that are at the root of our existence but are quickly sublimated in the need to conform to a common denominator.

I was remembering how dancing released a deep-seated sense of ones individuality, an ability to extend oneself through music and its exciting rhythms to mimic real dancers who, in the grace of their movement, speak a very attractive poetry.

Music, songs from ones era, act as a trigger to remind us of who we were  and what was important all those years ago. Are we better for all the self imposed constraint that plague us today. The artificial barriers that we erect to proclaim, who we think "others" would be impressed with.
What a proverbial corner we paste ourselves into, satisfying others !!    

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