Friday 12 October 2012

Fundamentally speaking

I was reading Nietzsche, as you do, when it became clear that much of the foundation for our thought and the pronouncements we make about our fellow man, his habits,his ethics, his morals, his basis for believing and what he believes could be flawed.   What then ????

His thinking covered many aspects of the human condition.
Much of what we believe as the foundation of human ideas and ideals come from Ancient Greece and the philosophers who considered  man and the known world around them. The "noble" constructs pertaining to ethics and morals, good and bad, right and wrong, were born and largely have stayed with us from those days.

They were the construct of a Philosophical Nobility who developed an ideal born of the concept of nobility and the hierarchy that was established between people.
The noble instinct for being magnanimous towards others. The concept of behaviour towards each other. The concept of right and wrong but always with the caveat that certain rights and certain wrongs were different according to the position of the person in the social hierarchy. We find this thinking, echoing in our ears today !!

But what of pre-history before the Greeks, before the Indus Valley, before the  Egyptians, before, before, before.  Pre history before we had writing or grew crops, before we gathered in groups to socialise and divide labour, when man was close to the animals he hunted, in this time there was no concept of conscience, no good or evil, only survival.

Were these people, "lesser people" than the people of later stages in our development ?  Is the the construct that we hold correct, that people have values which are innate and are ingrained, or is it a "learnt" trade, a philosophical concoction imposed by the people in power.  
How often the claim that we all have a moral compass that governs our lives and on which many of our laws are based. It would indeed be a sad world without some sort of a common ground to evaluate each other against our own beliefs. Of course we tear ourselves apart when confronted by groups of people even nations who have a very different concept of what is good and bad.
If these concepts are not fundamental to mankind then what if anything is ?   

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