Friday 9 August 2024

An inbuilt bias


Subject: An inbuilt bias

Today two reports have been championed on the television this morning, the report detailing the failings of Manchester, Rochdale, and other police forces in responding to abused children by gangs who saw in these children, mostly white girls, the easy pickings of of a degenerate society where moral behaviour and lax parental control made it easy for these girls to be co-opted by gifts and favoured attention into the darkness of sexual favours to compensate their lives where parents were simply too busy either to care, or were themselves corrupted by their personal economic state of affaires to be at home to offer basic parenthood.
Such powerful oratory by Margret Oliver, against police indifference I have seldom heard and like the Post Office scandal, it’s taken 20 years of inactivity before reports have burst the defences of public offices, police and municipal, who are accused not only of cover up but also collaboration because of the racial aspect in the boroughs most effected.
The clarity of the condemnation was most acute in a speech given by a woman who has given her life to bring this use of young girls as sexual playthings by certain elements in the  Pakistani community who were protected, by the fear of being tagged racist by the white officials who job it was to enact the laws which are there to protect the vulnerable. Like the PO scandal the problem is seen as a top down problem, an impoverishment of treatment by the people at the top of our governing organisations to pay attention to the poor and un represented in our society.
The politicians particularly bear the most shame since they are equipped with parliamentary impunity to speak out without accusation as these matters are brought to their attention through their surgeries. Where were they when they should have been bouncing up and down off their seat demanding to be heard in the Commons.
The police in Rochdale failed to prioritise the plight of these young girls but the Chief Constables who come from a class who failed to equate these young girls with their daughters are still in place lecturing us in articulated argument into which the masses invariably buy
Margaret Oliver a leading campaigner against this malfunctioning executive was marvellously articulate, as I am sure she has been for the years she has been campaigning but for all those years she wasn’t listened to, why. Are we rotten to the core with administrative bodies colligated by public school educated officials who are so biased by their education and upbringing that the plight of ordinary people is beyond their capacity to reason or is it worse they don’t see a reason to do so.

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