Monday, 6 March 2017

Nothing more than an epoch

Subject: Nothing more than an epoch.

"Robots will soon take your jobs".
This is more than a prediction but a near certainty as massive advances in, not only robots but the associated ability of robotics to learn and improve with the use of artificial intelligence.
Already much of the decision making in large organisations relays on algorithms, a statistical tool which bases its findings not on the interpretation of what an individual needs but rather on the revelation of the statistical mean. As we follow this mechanistic path we push to the fringes the human desire for exclusivity, be it in thought or in the career we wish to pursue. Exclusivity is no longer seen as a mark of quality, the human being is slowly taken out of the picture to become an observer. Perhaps 1984 was set 100 years before it's time.
This global technological push to reach for global standards in the name of economic conformity  for the sake of profit leads us, as humans into a dark place. The technocrat the programmer, the specialist will be well rewarded but the mass of people, poorly educated and poorly equipped have little or no value other than as consumers and will be so undervalued that one can only fear for their future. 
In the corridors of power they are already softening us up for another phase shift, canvassing the concept of providing a 'universal basic income', a wage which will be provided regardless of whether it is earned, a sort of pension entitlement from birth till death to cope with the massive increase in unemployment and the unemployable. Brave New World indeed.
The worries of the Brexiteers, 'that of not having a sense of national authority' within the over reaching power of Brussels will, in the unstoppable reach of globalisation, soon become irrelevant as the nation state buckles under the weight of a collective global hegemony. It will soon be outside the national remit to influence things like climate change since to make economic decisions which determine carbon output will require an agreement that other states, like ones own will each hobble their own industries, otherwise it's simply a rush to the bottom.
With "world governance" controlled from "elsewhere" where and how will we feed our sense of identity.
Will "identity" be constrained to what ever we think or are told to think we are and will our histories be gobbled up into a group think.
Perhaps our universities are already embarked on this project as they seek to dumb down on dissident thought and corral the students into a PC amphitheatre where nothing is heard but the bleating  of ideological conformity.
The big question is "what are humans for". Do we have in the future, the role we always thought we had as leaders and innovators, or are we largely destined for the trash can.
Are we a fiction of our own making (a mental construct) soon to be largely irrelevant. 
Is our 'reality' illusory, merely  a passage in time and like the dinosaur, we will die out and become nothing more than an epoch.

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