Thursday, 2 October 2014

Choosing our evils

The hypocrisy we have to accept on behalf of our leaders makes our own sense of what is right and wrong difficult to come to terms with.
Many of the countries we seek alliance with are clearly very dodgy in terms of the rights they offer their own citizens. The Middle Eastern block who we are currently aligning ourselves with in the fight against ISIS treat their own citizens with as little respect as the Jihads treat their hostages. Wholesale executions, stoning and other forms of mutilation are the norm in some of these bedfellow countries but expedience limits the reports in our own media, other than in exceptional cases, we are fed the output of many Hooray Henry's    .
This is not to say that action should not be taken against the extremist Jihad  groups but we should always be open to question the motives of our leaders. It is rare that there isn't another agenda, which once the immediate objective is completed the actual needs of the people are left to wither.
History is full of events that resemble the atrocities of the Islamic Caliphate which the West seems hell bent to punish but who in their judgement do not seem to feel to have the same opprobrium.
The horrific murder of their western captives quite rightly raises the ire of government heads across the nations but where was their condemnation of General Sisi when he condemned over 500 Muslims to be executed (yes 500). Where has been the condemnation of the 7 year sentences handed out to 3 journalists for doing their job of reporting the upheaval in Egypt.
Of course its not in the interest of the West to censure Sisi since they need him in their fight against the unrest in the Middle East and so the deception goes on and on and on !!!     

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