Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Promises, promises

What will happen in the Ukraine now the Russian Bear has started up the engines of the tanks on the countries border. The Russians don't mess around, remember Georgia they simply rolled into the country and settled the issue of a Georgian nationalist uprising by cracking the whip. The tension in the Ukraine was on our screens every night and one wondered why the army were not called in and Marshal Law proclaimed. The ultimate force is always held by the
government no unarmed or disorganised group can take on the State and for some reason they never called on the police or the army to resist the onslaught of bricks or the violent use of staves to beat the police lines. 
The police did not retaliate and simply absorbed the violence behind their shields with many of their men sustaining serious injury. 
It brings to mind the so called Arab Spring revolt in Libya and Egypt. The public resorting to violence in Brazil and Venezuela, in Thailand and Pakistan its all a far cry from sleepy old UK. 
One wonders, as the financial industry draws down on the global society and we all have to pay for the crass and some would say illegal activity of the Banks who collectively broke every trading rule in the book but interestingly, were not judged illegal by the banking fraternity and didn't promote one arrest by the authorities of any banking executive. 
The damage to the financial fabric, (which we all depend on), is virtually irretrievable and has only been sustained by massive quantitative easing, printing money, devaluing currency, what ever you want to call it. It will deform much of society for decades to come. 

Nationalism, tribalism, separatism are becoming attractive to populations across the globe as they see the inadequacy of the old order and the sham promises that democracy and the parliamentary system made to ordinary people !!!                        

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