Friday 10 September 2021

The Second Coming

Subject: The Second Coming

As the Taliban direct our gaze to what a caliphate looks like and we see reflected the authoritarian hold Islamic countries have over their nation state it would serve us well to understand why the rise of Islam is happening across the world.
 25% (1.8 billion) of the worlds population is Muslim, the next largest cohort is the Catholic at 1.3 billion whilst the total Secular population is only 14 %.  The difference between Muslim, Catholic and Secular is that the latter two respect the view of the individual. In the Catholic religion with confession, and in the secular world completely, whilst, one of the strengths of the Muslim faith is its ritualistic conformity, its adherence to the doctrinal word of god, of who there is no gainsaying. It’s not a question of right or wrong, there is no such distinction, only Gods instructions set down in the Quran.  It’s a powerful arrangement,  to take out of the hands of man the important decisions about man himself, it absolves mankind of any responsibility other than to follow the word because god is omnipotent and his word unquestionable. In the extreme case it’s the reason people strap explosives to themselves and are prepared to die for an interpretation of the holy book or, at a less fervent level prostrate themselves in the mosque. There’s nothing even close to this subservience of faith in a supernatural being and in so doing it makes being a Muslim extremely powerful. Since we potentially have the essence of competition, anyone who is not Muslim should feel concern.
This post is not a diatribe against the Muslim faith or faiths in general but the history of militarism and a marginal contempt for non Muslims makes we wonder if non Muslims aren’t sleep walking into something more serious especially since it’s become sacrilege to offend or offer any alternative opinion regarding this particular religion. The elephant in the room is the size of the population in this country 5-6% of the total and given there were non up until the 18th century and that the increase is 10x the non Muslim population political demographics should concern us since by 2050 they will be the majority voice and uniquely since they largely sing from the same hymn book (no pun intended) and because they have their own cultural law (Sharia) which dictates their actions both social and religious the the non homogeneous rest of us must give pause for thought before it’s too late. 
Of course if you see the merit in the Muslim community which many do since thousands convert every year, then this maybe the second coming !!

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