Monday 7 June 2021

The real me.


Subject: The real me.

it seems to be accepted that Ideas change with generations but should ideas be jettisoned because of generational change or should ideas be based on key beliefs and therefore have the same substance for all generations. God's commandments, although attributed to a mythological figure have that substance and the social decay we see in society today is perhaps due to a lack of piety, of some sort of philosophical relevance, if not religious reverence. The free for all of a self congratulatory culture without reference to others, the hedonism we see all around, means that values become individual and not part of a collective society. The much decried tribe with its traditions and celebrations, its self-respect and discipline which upheld the unwritten  rules and gave the tribe its surety and a sense of belonging, is today missing.
Is it perhaps the problem, that we know too much about each other, for ever proclaiming, on the internet those ideas and experiences which in he past would have been personal but once released for public consumption the individual is exposed to criticism, or applause from where least expected and it’s this shattering of the self assumptions about our belief system which we thought was shared by those close to us which destroys our instinct that we are right. Without this sense of being right and not wrong plays an important role in the way our character is formed and developed but if we are continually enveloped with people proclaiming we are wrong people, who don't even know us or our back story, then our character has little chance to grow and flourish and we become more and more unsure of what is right and what is wrong.
The internet with its constant chatter of truths and falsehoods, scattered like confetti, is it any wonder that people become mentally misshapen and pathologically misguided.
Switch it off is the cry but switching off this newsreel of events by which we measure our own good fortune isn't easy. To become a news recluse is as bad as being a news junky probably worse since ignorance is seldom best. Defining your own stance on any subject needs subjectivity and patience. An avoidance of popularity is also useful since popularity is often won on pleasing people for the sake of winning them over and not having the honesty to say what needs to be said.
Everybody's truth lies in their own perspective of events and being critiqued for saying something is perfectly normal. Things have a special relevance but it's the sowing of false truths which does the harm since it destabilises ones sensibilities. When the State indulges in this black art then you know we are in trouble. It was always the Wests accusation towards the Russians and the Chinese that they brain-washed their people through propaganda but we saw it recently in the combined effort of the government, mainstream press and special interest parties like the Board of Deputies of British Jews which, day I and day out lambasted Jeremy Corbyn with false stories until the electorate believed he was the devil incarnate and not a man with the best interests of the British common man in his very being.
Of course once again this is my own perspective for which I received a lot of criticism but I was unperturbed because I had done my homework and had not relied solely on the headline or the scurrilous journalism of feature writers like Boris Johnson when writing in the Daily Telegraph.
Just look at the paragon of virtue he turned out to be.

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