Tuesday 24 November 2020

The hybrid child

Subject:The hybrid child.

I have a range of friends who's views differ from my own. Because of our friendship we usually steer clear of contentious subjects since there is little use in trying to change the mind of someone who has made theirs up on the basis of their experience or a deep held sociological need to modify the society they live in.
This need to educate society and get it to understand the ever wider complexity of what we might describe as the 'human condition' leads some people to redefine what, for an older generation was a settled matter. It seems that today there are no settled matters anymore, everything is fluid, things which we accepted as the norm are these days constrained to the trash heap and anyone still holding those old ideas is in danger of being called a bigot.
This morning I was listening to a discussion on the radio in which a woman was describing how she was bringing up her child as gender neutral. A good part of her desire seemed tied up with her idea  that gender difference  is the basis for conflict and the logical thing to do was to raise her child as neither boy or girl. 
It seemed to me that these ideological agendas in which a mother can have and can influence the way a child is raised is quite radical. Playing God as it were, she has decided to remove the biological and chemical impetus which nature has set in motion for a notional idea of what she wants to do with her child. It's this modern idea of 'its her child' and she can treat it as a project, an opportunity to modify according to her inclination rather than the child's natural outcome given the chemistry which plays a part in determining the emotional preference irrespective of the biological circumstance.
With all the options available it makes one wonder if the child isn't in danger of its mothergiven the consequences of insisting the child is gender neutral and trying to conceptualise what that may mean for the child. The argument that we stereotype children according to their having genitals is pure fantasy. We know that some boys who have the genitalia sometimes feel unhappy being in a boys body and would wish to be a girl but this is different from a deliberate intervention to strike a mid neuter stance so that the child doesn't know whether it's a boy or a girl until at some later stage it can decide. Obviously it's physiological make up, and the production of testosterone usually leads the child to know what it is and the neuter argument is that the parents shouldn't  prejudge that choice by assuming, if it looks like a girl, it's a girl, as we used to in the days when we assumed that nature knew best. 
The emotional attachment for toys which were gender based reinforced the simple observation, that's a boy and that's a girl but was clouded by the numbers of young adults who felt that they were in the wrong bodies or that their emotional attachment was towards members of their own sex. This revelation that people cared more for members of the same sex was bewildering when I was growing up and the sexual act between two men was outlawed. Slowly we have become a more permissive society, some would say a more understanding society, in all kinds of ways to the extent that each year a new level of of interpersonal relationship and new ways of describing ourselves has made the era of 'boy meets girl' an unnecessarily complicated process made even more so by the parents who wish to create their own hybrid child.

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