Sunday 22 March 2020

A new dawn.

Subject: A new dawn. 

It's on mornings like these when you think of the year that has passed and the year ahead. It's not in a sense of regret for past and future nor is it based on much optimism given the recent political turmoil, I think the huge majority Boris Johnson obtained from a people deliberately confused as to their options will in a few weeks and months reveal the real mess we have opted to place ourselves in.
Old age brings its trials not least a shortened version of the road ahead, an inevitable calculus on ones viability to function as you had functioned in the past. Of course we have a tremendous amount to be thankful for, even the roof over our head and food in the fridge is a managed result which could still go wrong and mustn't be assumed.
The assumptions of even a year ago have radically changed in substance. The things you took for granted are now out of ones grasp, for ever and whilst one is never maudlin about these things it shows that life is just a set of assumptions which have little or no emotional surety.
My discovery of blogging 8 years ago has proved a great resource,  it's a realtime relief valve in which I can discuss my opinions and vent my anger. Venting and explaining subjects which don't seem to have much relevance to others could make matters worse if they were discussed face to face but since the conversation is mainly in my own head and then squeezed out through the vent we call the internet to catch on a breeze and scatter, possibly snagging on someone's conscience, more than likely chucked into the electronic trash can but at least, on a cursory glance show that there are people who care.
No man or woman is an island, each of us radiate waves. The waves may be gentle and benign or harsh and angry, they may express fear and loathing or sorrow and pity but they are usually generated with good will and a need to place 'the other opinion' on the table for at least consideration, since consideration is about all we can ask for.
The world, our world, is in my opinion about to enter some radical process of overhaul. Many of us are going to be increasingly angry that the agonising progress we have made to ensure that everyone has some sort of voice and can turn for help will now be unceremoniously chucked for another dose of Thatcherism or worse the mastications of Dominic Cummings. . People who assumed that certain social security functions were part of the warp and weft of our society, are in for a rude shock but of course the shock will be dressed up as something else, something which couldn't be avoided.
Perhaps those distant days when the electorate had a moment of sanity will be recalled by that dwindling phenomenon a free press. Unfortunately it was a sanity which ran counter to the plans of those who really rule the country and therefore had to be crushed and crushed it was.

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