Saturday 8 June 2019

And Trump flew over the cuckoo's nest

Subject: And Trump flew over the cuckoo's nest.

The people in the protest industry and it is an industry, seems oblivious to the context of their actions. Hell bent on picking a fight with Donald Trump they are chaffing at the bit to issue him a bloody nose, never mind the consequences of picking a fight they can't win. No amount of ideological bravado can avoid a bruising contest which we are bound to lose.
Watching the plane land one assumed there's no struggle with the cabin luggage,
no queue to reach the door, and certainly no suggestion that they won't be met when they disembark.  No stressful scanning for his bags on the luggage carousel or missing a red ribbon tied to the handle, no flicker of concern that they didn't  put it on board.
It must be strange, used as we are to our obscurity, our lack of importance, to always be the centre of attention. Always having photo lenses poked at you, your every word taken apart for its meaning ( if it has one). (Trump is excused that).

His helicopter has just flown noisily over our house, not more than a couple of hundred feet above the roof. It doesn't say much for security, flying that low, a bazooka in my garden would easily have scored a hit and brought him down.
His ongoing spat with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan is unseemly. The days of grown up diplomacy seem long gone, the to-ing and fro-ing of insults via twitter is sadly symptomatic of the mis-use of social media. Is it any wonder that ordinary people are constantly at each other's throats using this disconnected, artificial method of communicating.
London will be full of protesters getting over excited about Trumps visit. Many more will protest than the small number who protested against Xi Jinping, the Chinese President, a man with many more 'human rights' offences against his name. Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe or Turkeys President Erdogan all found a measure of support amongst the protesting public but Donald Trump has armies of haters, not because he was responsible for waging war on his own people, not for his despotism but because he is an unpleasant man. If being unpleasant were the trigger for acute, almost irredeemable hate then we would be at each other's throats most of the time but being unpleasant was never a crime. The dislike for Trump is based on innuendo and new found 'norms of conduct' which have become almost sacrilege within the snowflake community.
Sensitivity is the defining aspect which describes these people who feel Incensed by Trumps attitude to women, his intolerance of unfettered immigration from South America through Mexico, his concern about the strategic imbalance from the Chinese and their  refusal to accept copyright law, the indiscriminate misuse of social media by Russia to skew the presidential election. The list goes on. He is damned for being a nationalist, as if in the 'hippy happy' world of multiculturalism, the nation states he rails against would in any way show any sort of reciprocation. I don't know if it's drugs or their woozy view of the world which induces such an evangelical fervour, "love will heal our disunity", be it religious disunity or plain economic greed. The leaders of Hezbollah and their nation state Iran, are in no frame of mind to sit at any peace talks in any of the conflict zones they currently engage in and when Jeremy Corbyn supports their cause in the Palestinians fight against Israel but won't countenance  sitting down with Trump at dinner tonight, we are in a right old ideological mess.

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