Tuesday 1 January 2019

New Adventures

New Adventures

When i switch on the news in the morning it's quite surreal to contrast what is going on in Egypt, Yemen, Bangladesh, Palestine, even the streets of Paris when compared to our own sleepy idyll where apart from the occasional peaceful demonstration with a handful of unarmed police to keep a watching brief.
The turbulence in the Middle East and the vehemence shown by the young men throwing stones or equally the intolerance of the authorities towards those demonstrating.shows that within and between some countries there is an impossible gulf to breach.
Our own news is benign in comparison. We  highlight some local tragedy on the roads or perhaps  a domestic incident which has flared up and tempers led to injury. There is no wholesale upsurge of discontent although our news papers do their best to work us  up to some incident in a hospital or old peoples home. There are thousands who will wake up this morning to merger rations, to the worry of bills unpaid but it's not disaster mode and the society infrastructure is there to help. There are of course people waking this morning and every morning, in pain or  feeling the pain of a loved one who is dying. There are untold circumstances where a personal crisis pushes the person into a realm of unhappiness from which they feel they will never emerge but a national calamity, we have non. Even Brexit, as complicated as it is will not, in my opinion drag us down. There will be winners and losers and adjustments to make but non as cataclysmic as opening your door to the sound of rifle shots and bombs falling. We will try to make out that the end of the world is nigh but really it’s just an adjustment to new circumstances non of them life threatening and who knows it may be the reawakening of us with the new adventures which lie ahead.

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