Friday 20 April 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the 1%

Subject: AI and the 1%

It's a bit like that Darwnistic moment when the primeval soup that came into being as the planet cooled and chemistry began to be identified, that life came into being, the result of conditions being just right for a combination of chemical elements to spark the embryonic reproductive process. 
Artificial intelligence is the result of computational power throwing into the computational mix sufficient neurons for spontaneous thought to exist.
This is different from repetitive modelling of human behavior in a computer to simulate that behavior in a machine or a robot, rather this is a type of symbiotic process where the the elements of thought or at least the constituent bits which go to make up thought are thrown together to see what evolves.
The parallel computer, a computer which, unlike a normal computer which handles its computations sequentially is instead, a collection of individual processors networked to feed results of each of its computations into the other processors, each interacting and each adding or subtracting from the resultant outcome much like a human brain does. It has millions of feedback loops to subject the analysis into millions of options with the experience of memory to narrow down the useful from the useless. A thinking rationalising machine.
The argument that the machine will never be capable of Platonic reasoning or philosophical insight, given that the human mind has such computortive power, is now being questioned as the Super computer begins to match the brain in computational power.
Of course the brain is the result of thousands of years of  refinement, and the attempt to interrogate the boundaries of thought with little productive thought other than thought itself is still a long way off.
The unpalatable truth though is that whilst Artificial Intelligence, (even when it thinks for itself) will hopefully be constrained by the logic of the job in hand.
Unfortunately this probably  covers the sort of thinking 99% of human-kind do anyway.

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