Sunday 31 December 2017

A disaster waiting to happen

Subject: A disaster waiting to happen

I suppose it's a common theme running through mankind, the need to understand and bond with fellow human beings. This is particularly true and most acute between a man and a woman. 
Watching a scene in 'Breaking Bad' where the man is rhapsodising about life in general the girl reaches across and twirls her finger around his, the rhapsody stops and a poignant  silence ensues. The magic of love and being loved stops thought in its tracks
and heads it off down another road, that of compromise, of fitting in to someone else's desire, of leaving behind unfinished thoughts 
and form those you never knew you had.
Again watching on the news the progress of one of these extreme explorer types as he nears the Pole, his sense of achievement is palpable but one is also privy to the other side of a relationship, his fiance, back home, worrying, fighting back the tears.
From "I want to paint that wall pink and call our daughter Tulip" to the no less important stuff like putting a deposit down on a Mustang. The desires and the conflicting gender dynamic, the easy going compatibility between two creatures now brought under strain as environmental and gender issues, are finally faced with decisions about choice. 
If the differences are small, usually a fudge will do. Tulip it is but if not a Mustang, at least a new gasket head and valves for a Cortina.
It's when the life's plan (assuming there is one) is being usurped for another plan, perhaps a  much more radical lifestyle, then the decisions are difficult, if not impossible. Someone has to make  a big accommodation to their dreams and their own aspirations. 
Compensation in the form of 'pleasing' the person you love only goes so far and the newly  chosen path will now have, as its constituent part, a thorn under the flesh which will regularly prick and cause pain.
The urge to unite and sail away always assumes that the direction is agreed. So often it is not even addressed or discussed (how can it be) for fear of the loss you have built up in the relationship so far. We skirt around the issues we disagree about because the disagreement essentially runs deep in our character and no matter how we twist and turn it probably has no satisfactory answer. Usually in these cases the strongest personality wins but whether the win is for the month or for years ahead its a question which should be asked and unfortunately has no simple answer.
Mankind can adapt somehow to anything his imagination can cope with, but he cannot deal with chaos. Our most important imaginative assets are always the symbols of our general orientation in nature, especially in society, in what ever we are doing. Chaos can mean instability, cultural disharmony, not being able to fit in because the gulf is too wide. Chaos can eat away at the soul like an untidy house eats away, 24/7 with someone suffering OCD. It's not a fault line, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

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