Thursday 24 August 2017

Big Ben is silenced

Subject: Big Ben is silenced.

Does the silencing of Big Ben signify the portent of Brexit rather than just the inconvenient but  necessary maintenance needed in the Palace of Westminster.
Will the stilling of this clock and its familiar chimes, an act that even the hated Luftwaffe could not bring about, bring to an end the the long innings our country has had playing in a league which had slowly grown too expensive to field a professional  team and the amateurs who now represent us, simply lack the skills.
Will we succumb to the second division where Norway and Sweden are held in such high esteem but for reasons which we simply can't grasp. Their realisation that team Norway or Sweden is made up of just that, a team of inter wrapt core skills. No one so exceptional that they can't be pegged and valued to represent their specific skill and not worshipped for having some sort of  mythical mindset, a team of 'leaders and also-rans' which we favour in this country.
When the chimes ring out again in four years time what will those bells ring for. 
Will it be to herald a new vibrant economy teaming with people, confident in the work they do and happy to represent Britain. 
Will in fact Britain still be a United Country or will Nicola Sturgeon have succeeded in prizing Scotland away to be an independent country with perhaps Sinn Fein successful in becoming the leading and decisive party in Northern Ireland, opting to unite with Ireland as a whole. 
Will England and Wales be enough to be called "the UK.
Will there be a Socialist taking over the reins of PM or will it be business as usual with a divided country reeling from the austerity now needed because our creditors want their money back.
Will we be hunkered down with terror threats, unable to describe our nemesis for fear of upsetting the tightly held belief that for social cohesion any price is not a price too high to pay.
Will the high speed trains, running to and from the north bring the purported much needed prosperous two way link, sharing any prosperity across the nation or will the trains be as empty as the promises made to get the white elephant up and running in the first place.
The important things like the price of a pint and a packet of chips will be crucial as we go it alone, blowing off the dust and cobwebs seeking to reignite our former glory in a radically different world.

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