Saturday 15 July 2017

Everyone is right

Subject: Everyone is right.

Why is it white people contrive a world which is what they wish it to be and not what it is. Why do white people intellectualise, fictionalised perhaps even a fantasise on the basis of something they desire to be true, ignoring the experience of people who's actual experience, day to day, is what it is.
Is it one of having been largely in control of history or at least the events of history on the world stage for the last thousand years, that it's an administrative habit to believe they are right and therefore instinctively understand the reasons for non white people not understanding.
Watching a program in which the recent case of middle eastern parents who were told by an adoption agency that their wish to adopt a white child would not be in the interests of the child and that a child from an ethnic background, closer to their own would be more desirable.
This has been echoing around the media and the upsetting 'those who know better'.
How could we they reasoned, in the 21st century living on this tiny island in the midst of this multi cultural, multi ethnic experiment, be so crass as not to understand that racism is a thing of the past.
The wish list of 'best intentions' was questioned by the very people who are most likely to know, the black and mixed ethnicity people, who told their story of reaching a stage in their lives where they had to discover their ethnic clan and to establish that side of what they thought missing whilst growing up. Two members who appeared as representative experts, both black people emphasised the importance their ethnicity meant to them but the one academic who was white and said it was of no importance and that we were now living in a totally pluralistic society where the colour of your skin and the implied hegemony of the group bore no relevance. He became quite shrill and exasperated when both the non white people disagreed with him and it was left to another white person to sit on the fence and say 'everyone' was right.

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