Wednesday 28 December 2016

Who are the prisoners

 The riots in our jails remind us of how poorly our system of governance really is.
Democracy suggests that the collective will of the people will eventually find its way to the top through the process of elections, elections which are supposed to convey what the people seeking election promise the electorate on the assumption that the politician will put into place what they said they would.
Of course we know this is a sham. Promises made through "election pledges" are not worth the paper they are printed on and a Minister worth his salt can soon find reasons for ignoring any election commitment.
Ministers are promoted by some strange osmosis, they come and go, they are reshuffled into positions for which they have no experience and still less expertise.
To see Liz Truss and her startled face at the dispatch box, fielding questions about a crisis in the manning scale of prison officers within the prison system and the apparent breakdown of control is pitiful. The severe reduction of over a third of prison officers since 2007 is coming home to roost as the Prison Officers Federation said it would but the blatant stonewalling of "The Minister" spitting out platitudes and hyperbole as if truth were a commodity so rare that anything else would do. 
We hear it so often, the fine phrases, the impossibly benign objectives offered as a palliative for real action.
In virtually every political space, truth is a casualty, it has no place in the lexicon of a politician, it is superfluous, in fact it is dangerous since it resides in the real world and not the made up world of the paid up politician.
The Dispatch Box, that lectern of political oratory must have more than its fair share of deceit and downright scandalous misappropriation of "the people's" trust. The great and the powerful have all lied through their hind teeth and whilst certainly not great or perhaps good, Liz Truss is but the latest to diffuse our hope in an honest broker to represent us.

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