Thursday 26 March 2015

The locked door

The danger of punditry. The latest news from the downed aircraft investigation is that the co pilot was locked out of the cabin and the pilot, piloting the plane was refusing or unable to answer the repeated knocking of the chap outside. Was this a suicide or had the pilot passed out ?

Planes cost many millions. This particular aeroplane was, although 20 years old when built the state of the art in automatic controls, in fact some pilots complained that the aircraft was boring to fly since so much was automated. With a plane costing millions how come there was no over ride on unlocking the door ? It's a common occurrence for a pilot to leave the flight deck to visit the toilet and with inboard security protecting the flight deck from terrorists the door is always locked. Apparently when the pilot leaves on a call of nature, they sometimes leave the drinks trolley blocking the entrance !!! What sort of Micky Mouse management / design is that. Are we to believe that these very highly paid executives and designers at Air Bus couldn't come up with something better. What else have they left off the menu ?

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