Monday 22 September 2014

Another one bites the dust.

Why is it that women always feel badly done by ? 
The feminising of society has been progressing steadily over the last 20 years as we consider their special dispensation in an overwhelming number of situations. Boardrooms are only one target in the call to enlist women in areas which in the past has seen few women moving into positions of power. The selective election of women to parliament and the call, recently to ensure that if a man becomes Prime Minister that it was essential that a women hold the post of Deputy Prime Minister is all part of a trend.
Of course the women's critical role not only in giving birth but in the early raising of the young child lends the child's ear to a feminine philosophy from the very start of the child,s education.     Its enhanced by the fact that 95% of the teachers in the primary school system are women and the children now grow up with little male input.
Of course it is argued that there is no difference
between the sexes, other than physiological, and that any role can be carried out equally well by either male or female.
The impact has been to emphasise the needs of women and their special place in society, often to the detriment of the man and having brought forward the first batch of specially raised feminised males the race is on to promote not only the rights of the woman but the wholesale surrender of a meaningful gender role for men. As the functions at work, now more than ever akin to those of a typist, it seems the redundancy of the male to a bit part is now almost complete.
The sheer bloody minded insistence about equality has today brought that bastion of male bonding, the golf club, completely into the female obit having won their case to be includes in the previously "male only" Royal & Ancient. They insisted that their exclusion was somehow against "their rights" and that men wishing to be together only with other men and without the female in attendance was seen as sociologically not in keeping with the trend of the 21st century.   
The profusion of segregated, "women only" establishments was glossed over as necessary to protect their innate sensitivity from testosterone loaded males but the argument that man equally needed protection from the shrill cacophony of a women's voice was missed altogether !!!           

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