Wednesday 5 March 2014

US Foreign Policy

When will we learn and understand that the logic we hold is not universal. 
The Americans, largely isolationist for years took on the role of the world policeman after finding its self confronted with the insular politics of the old world. 
Believing its own hype about democracy establishing an even, common political landscape in which people would find their own equilibrium, through the mechanism of free elections, (their holy grail), they set about educating the world at large. 
But as we see, when people like Snowdon break ranks and the Internet and the smart phone captures and transmits
around the world in seconds the incidents that government would rather see covered up we receive a very different education. When the democracy which America projects is corrupted on its own soil by the smell of money, when its belief in the rule of law is ignored in the medieval attitude it exhibits to its own prison population and the ignominy
of Guantanamo Bay. They like the British before them, meddle in other peoples affairs and make a bad situation far worse. Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Syria and now the Ukraine have all felt the moralising of the US trying to effect events according to a Western recipe cooked up in a political assembly that bears no reference to the world at large. The events that bubble up in the far flung corners of the world are far too complex to boil down to one prescription. Dictators often hold together disparate conflicting tribes in a way that freedom to elect your leader is aced by the sight of a Kalashnikov !!!    

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