Thursday 6 February 2014

Modern Ideology

Perfidious is a very powerful descriptive word. Of course the French used to describe England as, "Perfidious Albion" and one could sense how deeply,fairly or unfairly their distaste went. But listening to our politicians trudge, waste high in platitudes I simply wonder how these men, and its mostly men, sleep easily at night. 
From the reasons for the current flooding and the lack of river dredging to the fact that not one person has been arrested in the last 30 years over which time it has been illegal to inflict on young women the gruesome practice of 'female genital mutilation'. Not one person arrested. Its amazing until one realises that Minorities and Religion are involved and therefore the issue becomes a 'no go' area for the police. 
How our representatives have cravenly let us all down, not only the 'majority' viewpoint which would rightfully find such practice medieval but also the minority who's group is stigmatised by a practice carried out by a minority within the minority. 
The issue is that we have laws that are based on our culture and our sense of what is right or wrong. It doesn't mean we are infallible and other cultures have as much a right to their own belief but we have let ourselves down by not making it clear that this is what we stand for and if someone wishes to live here they have to live by our rules. 
Our Politicians and the Media have failed to establish this 'Traditional British' sense of who we are and instead have concentrated on trying to be "something to everyone". In the process we are all confused and irritated listening to the Westminster Bubble avoiding any utterance that might loose them votes. 
We should have no discomfort in emphasising our long established values even if they clash with the view of people living on our shores with a different set of cultural values. Clarity is vital in all relationships, everyone should know where they stand and if they are uncomfortable with the situation they have the option of deciding their future. Strong parenthood is based on setting the bench marks and the guide lines of behaviour within a home, and this is our home. 
Don't mix this instant  plural society with the gradual assimilation over centuries of largely Anglo Saxon / Norman heritage. It is a common claim by the Media that we are a nation of immigrants and therefore we should recognise the status quo but, being over 70, I recognise the radical change to our society and resent the attempt to marginalise the older generation by stigmatising us when we question modern ideology.                         

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