Tuesday 31 December 2013

Buffeted by high winds

Sitting in the Lounge which we in our more plebeian years, called the Sitting Room,/ middle class people, with time on their hands "lounge about"you see whilst working class people sit ready to undertake the next task their masters have in mind ? The rain continues to pound against the window as the wind picks up strength and the trees stripped of their leaves by winter stand gauntly against a gun metal sky. The wind howls down the chimney emphasising the torment outside and we hunker down for the day, being retired one can turn ones nose up at all the things that one should do and wait for a better day.
These seasons and the savage turn of weather, yesterday was a bright clear sunny day, have their source in the Atlantic. We see on the weather forecast the isobars forming according to the pressure variances over the ocean sweeping in, bringing the weather with them and there is nothing to do but marvel at the complexity of the world we live in.
For someone living on the High Velt in South Africa largely removed from the oceanic turbulence, where every day is much as the last day, warm and sunny, the question of climate takes a back seat in our consciousness and we expect the weekend briaa to be held under a blue sky. Of course the stoic Brit' tries to make a feature out of his predicament, pointing out that in this unpredictability lies natural beauty and awe, as we feel and watch nature teaching us a lesson or two.   Poets, painters, authors, fishermen, farmers, builders, all have a view and add to the spectre of any event concerning our weather. The rain of course brings growth, the lack of sunshine develops the greens to capture what sunshine we have and so we are renowned for this "green and pleasant land" but don't tell that to the holidaymaker battling their way down the promenade buffeted by high winds at the sea side.                  

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