Sunday 10 November 2013

Out of season.

Holiday resorts are obviously dependent on holiday makers as the grist to their mill. Even without sunshine it is the energy that people bring to a place which in some way breathes life into it and so descending on Filey at the start of Winter was a gamble. 
The residents of these sea side places, even including those who make their living out of the trade, are often in two minds about the influx of people who come, generally keyed up to have a good time, come what may. They are used to the dreadful sight of intoxicated people staggering around, looking for still more to drink and the next party, their shrieks of drunken laughter make the sober citizen flinch. I suppose its simply the contrast between society out having a good time and the rest of us getting on with our boring lives. 
Margate and much of the South Coast in South Africa had the same influence out of season, the closed shops and arcades with the ghosts of the holiday maker flitting about behind the shutters. 

Filey has its grand front, a crescent of stately houses curving sedately around the line of the beach, once the homes of the great and good they now include a hotel or have been made into up-market apartments. Taking the air is a pastime, strolling along the prom gazing out to sea and wondering when the next mealtime is due is a sensible, if dull way to pass the time but not for me, well not yet anyway !! 

Having reunited with my cousin,  sitting through a few cine films of when we were truly young and trying to remember who that was standing behind uncle Herbert. We genuinely had a good time reminiscing, finding that 50 years, although weathering the exterior had preserved the inner remarkably well.

All too soon it was time to turn for home and the dash down the A1.                

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