Monday 15 April 2013

A political scandal

Today is the first day when the much  heralded crackdown on benefit scroungers comes into place.
We have been fed a diet of vitriol by our media and, the political elite, of the damage these scroungers are doing to our already damaged economy.
The real damage of course was done by the reckless trading of the banking elite who "continue" to trade enormous sums of money ( propped up with quantitative easing ), from a depleted economy but in which the volumes on the trading floor still attract massive bonuses.
Our attention has been deflected by a campaign of caustic statements about the damage the benefit payment system does to our deficit economy with the added weight in the interest we pay on the borrowing needed to bridge the gap.

So today we start to shorten the deficit by cutting the benefit. So soon we will be on the road to recovery???
In fact Treasury have announced that the savings will amount to £110,million !!! Yes, the cost of 10 state funerals !!!

The savings are minuscule when set against the total benefit bill of £90 billion, the largest part of which is the pension commitment.
The Universal benefits also claim a large segment of the benefit pot. Many recipients of the Universal payment are the well off with "child benefit" they don't need, "winter heating payments, they don't need, transport benefits, they don't need but in my personal experience they claim without a thought !!!

So what we have is a cap on 0.5% of the problem (with the inherent deprivation it will cause to the families effected) and we ring the bells to proclaim we have made a significant move to solve our deficit !!!  Lies, lies, all lies.
Yet again we are led by the nose. Soften up the public with stories of real cheats and then encompass the genuine benefit claimant with the same tag. Job done.     

"Joe public", gullible as always, believes what he reads in the Sun, and the daily diatribe on TV, of the parliamentarian.

The real reason for the selective cuts is not financial but political, as the politicians of "the right" seek to undermine society in furtherance of the aims of the recently departed Prime Minister.
Her funeral will cost a "tenth" of the savings that will be claimed in attacking the recipients of benefits !!!  

What a mad world we live in !!          

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