Wednesday 26 December 2012

And what next

And what next ? The build up to Christmas and the day its self now passed, what do we have to look forward to.

For those in work there is the routine of someone else's call to activity, hopefully stimulating as well as rewarding but for many there is no call.
For the unemployed, the drift into inactivity is soul destroying. Another round of job applications or job centre visits to search for something. Notice I stress the term job. A job is far less satisfying than a career which indicates some sort of progression. A job is usually fixed and defined in narrow perimeters, probably repetitive and often poorly paid.A job is a means to an end (to pay the bills) and not an end in its self. There can be the self satisfaction of doing the job well but in general there is not a great deal of character development as there is in a career in which one is seen as a team player, consulted and valued.
So for the majority the on coming year is quite a dreary prospect in so far as the bulk of our time, other than sleeping, will be spent. No wonder so much store is put on the parties, football, the summer holiday anything outside work. This is very sad and a major factor in our poor performance when asked to compete with other nations in industry and commerce
Its shown in our schools and the attitude of the kids towards learning and achieving goals.
For the bulk of them there is no pay off for hard work, they see only a job and not a career!!
Why can't we begin to treat our workforce with respect and encouragement. Why can't we take them into our planning, let them have a role in deciding how things should be done, how economies can be made, how to do their own specific job and to reward them by acknowledging their contribution, their ownership of what they do. If productivity increases set, aside some of the increased profit by increasing the wages, recognising that sustainable profits come from a contributing workforce, its not just down to management.

And then there's the old folks, how do they look to the future and the year ahead ?   If incapacitated and in pain there's no easy answer other than close family and friends to be there, supporting. Most of us are not in that category. Our main inhibitor is our lack of confidence and an inability  to see that, other than some frailty, we are much as we were but with the time now to do some of the things we wanted to do.
Get out pencil and paper, log those places and they may be local, where you've wanted to go.  Start that hobby, walk that trail,photograph the wildlife, write the book and visit places and friends as if there's no tomorrow - there mightn't be one !!!!     

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