Tuesday 11 September 2012

Ode to a curmudgeon

Enough,enough. I'm too curmudgeon for this world ?
The celebrations go on and on and on. The crowds turn out in their thousands. The word-smiths reach ever deeper into hyperbole as they pour words over the athletes, the volunteers, the organisers, (the only ones who "never" get a mention are "we" the Tax Payer, who paid for it all) !!
It all went against the grain and yet as I watched and listened there were tears hovering around my sockets.

What is it that has captured the nation and why.   I kept thinking. Why aren't these people at work, why were they prolonging a good thing, let it go, like any party, go home at a reasonable time, don't be the last to leave and not legless.     

The speeches have been made in front of Buckingham Palace and the crowds slowly disperse, tomorrow, hopefully to go to work (if you have a job).

Cameron the Prime Minister made a typical politicians speech,flat and largely unconvincing. Princess Ann made a good sensible speech, she reflected her position very well and I liked her.   Finally the "Clown Prince", Boris Johnson wowed the crowd with a barnstorming delivery which had everyone cheering (except Cameron). 
He's a total enigma. An Eaton toff who bumbles through an important job, London Mayor,where he avoids the London Mayoral Chambers councillors questions with a smile and a gag and seems to rely on his quick witted turnabout, like a comedian at the Apollo. Yet the "people" love him !!!

But the original question, why. Why have the Poms made such a good fist of following the games. Why have they bonded so well with everyone, in the stadiums, and on the pavements waiting patently for a glimpse of something or other,happily parting with their money.
Normally we are known for our stand offish, insular nature.We sit in the tube staring ahead, talking to no one and showing our distaste if someone did.

Don't they know we are in the midst of a serious depression, don't they know their jobs are insecure. We haven't (unless we are executives or bankers) had a pay rise in three years and it could be another three (five,ten) before we get one. With inflation, that means we are poorer by 30% and counting. 

Did "they" know that we would be in such a state when they signed up for the Games seven years ago, what foresight.Obviously they had seen the books.
They were in power and knew the direction of future finances ?

Lead them by the nose and they will arrive where you need them. Remember the Somme, remember Passchendaele they queued to get on the troop ships because they had been convinced that their country needed them. When they got there they were treated as cannon fodder.
Can we trust the current crop of leaders to treat these people, who have shown such willingness to respond to the national call, with respect and take them into the political calculation.        


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