Thursday 16 August 2012

One has to ask why and "who" is behind all these strong arm tactics directed at Ecuedore by the British Government in seeking to release Julian Assange.  We are clearly being seen in a bad light by the world community at large, threatening to invade the Embassy in contravention of the Geneva Convention.
Why would we spend so much political capital on such a case.
Clearly the USA is behind the effort and is clearly putting tremendous pressure on Britain to help land Assange on American soil.

We have to be very wary of being lured into this situation.

The Americans have shown a huge disregard for "Justice" and the rules governing fair process in their use of internment and torture at Guantanamo Bay. 
This man's crime is that he released embarrassing information regarding underhand dealings carried out by the Americans. The first thing is to say is that the "crime" is of American doing, they were clearly underhand in their international actions.    Assange was only the messenger.

There appears to be a charge against him in Sweden for a sexual crime but it seems that the prosecutor in Sweden has not been forthcoming in releasing the information surrounding the claims made against him. He is naturally reluctant to go to Sweden and believes the charge is only there to ensnare him and to ensure that he will be extradited to the USA.

Here the general public are very sceptical of the process of law in America and are naturally sympathetic to see that Julian Assange gets a fair hearing.

Is this "worth" falling into line with the Americans?   

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