Soon it will be time for the seasonal songs, the movies on television, the assumptions we make and the effort to better communicate. The hallmark of a religious festival which has lost much of its religiosity but continues to give us the excuse to try a little better.
Tuesday, 11 October 2022
The seasons change
Saturday, 8 October 2022
Reason has been supplanted by rant
God bless the Queen. Long live the King
Waking up
The gift to be different
The Queen is a case in point. Her values are now the things for which she is best remembered, her stoicism her unflinching purpose to do the job she had been given to the very best of her ability. In a world of short term gain where change is regarded as fundamental but how can we keep on changing. Where are those fundamentals which might rule our lives if change is so valued since in essence, change is to deny and often trash what went before. The values your parents bestowed were hopefully precious and not negotiable. Stick with them, don’t be dragooned into flim flam, the deceptive nonsense which passes for wisdom. Don’t be hoodwinked to modernise for modernising sake when all that means is swopping old values for rhetoric
The Queens last journey through her beloved Scotland
Conclusions made by others
Discombobulate the people
Blessed with good weather
as the people openly crying flung flowers towards Diana’s coffin. Now, sotto voce, the scene is more dignified in Westminster Hall as people walk passed the coffin in almost total silence. Big burly men, unabashed, wiping away their tears, the strained look on the faces of women, wing tailed morning suited attendants officiate, their breed mindful of the power they hold. Some, and our exclusion zoned establishment orientated society have always been keen to make exceptions, don’t have to join the queue but are given a platform opposite the coffin where they can come and go without actually mixing. Yesterday I noted Theresa May and her husband bucking that trend, endured the queue and filed passed with everyone else which I thought spoke volumes for this much derided Prime Minister. Derided by charlatans who gathered around Johnson in his passage to the job and the evil chorus played out by the evil press which denied her a fair platform or hearing. Perhaps her resolute belief in the church and its congregation has something to do with her preference.
Eleven hours to queue and the queue winds for 4 miles along the other side of the Thames. Thank goodness we have been blessed with good weather.
Nationalism, a good or evil
The long long wait
And still they come
The slow march home
Our own brand of idolatry
Hunger and debasement brings out the worst in people and with a slimmed down, much pilloried police force, the bulk of whom are out in London protecting the Establishment, I hate to think of what happens when mothers and fathers turn to crime en mass to feed their children.
The death of Diana